What Sororities Are At Ohio State

April 2024 ยท 3 minute read
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So You Wanna Rush a Sorority at Ohio State? A Hilarious (and Hopefully Helpful) Guide

Ah, Ohio State. Land of the Buckeyes, the Horseshoe, and... an embarrassment of sorority riches (or maybe that's just your wallet talking after rush week). Navigating the Greek life scene at OSU can feel like picking out the perfect pair of jeans: overwhelming, full of weird acronyms, and low-key stressful if you want that coveted light wash with just the right amount of distressing.

But fear not, my friend! This guide will be your denim sherpa, leading you through the wild world of Ohio State sororities.

Step 1: Knowing Your ABCs (Actually, It's More Like Greek Letters)

First things first, let's decipher that alphabet soup of sorority names. You've got your classic crew like Alpha Phi (think pearls and philanthropy) and Kappa Kappa Gamma (known for their... well, a certain shade of blue). Then there are the hidden gems, like Alpha Epsilon Phi, known for their sisterhood and social justice initiatives.

Pro tip: Don't be afraid to branch out! While some sororities might have a certain "rep," every chapter is unique.

Step 2: Embrace Your Inner Nancy Drew (But Make it Stylish)

Once you've got a general idea of what kind of vibe you're into, it's time for some recon. Social media stalking is totally encouraged (within reason, of course). Check out the sorority's Instagram to see if their events look like your cup of tea (or, more importantly, cup of Starbucks).

Word to the wise: Don't just lurk! Reach out to current members and ask questions. They'll be happy to spill the tea (hopefully not literally, sorority houses can be fancy).

Step 3: Rush Week: The Hunger Games... But with Cute Dresses

Alright, buckle up. Rush week is a whirlwind of open houses, themed parties, and enough conversation starters to make even the most introverted person want to crawl under a rock.

Remember: Be yourself! These girls will be your potential sisters, so let your personality shine through. And for the love of all things holy, RELAX. You're not being judged on your ability to chug a beer bong (hopefully).

Step 4: The Big Decision: Accepting a Bid (or Not)

Congratulations, you made it through rush! Now comes the agonizing wait (because apparently, everything in life needs a dramatic pause). If you get a bid (an invitation to join a sorority), take a deep breath and weigh your options. Don't feel pressured to accept the first one that comes your way. Chat with the sisters again, and trust your gut.

This is YOUR journey, not your mom's or your best friend's.

FAQ: Ohio State Sorority Rush Edition

How to prepare for rush week?

How many sororities are at Ohio State?

There are over 30 chapters at OSU, so you've got plenty of options!

How much does it cost to join a sorority?

Dues vary, but expect to pay a few hundred dollars a semester. There might also be additional fees for events and formals.

What if I don't get a bid from my top choice sorority?

Don't despair! There are amazing women in every chapter. Rush week is just the beginning, and you can always make friends across the Greek community.

How can I get involved in Greek life if I don't want to join a sorority?

There are also fraternities and co-ed Greek organizations at OSU! Explore your options and find your perfect fit.

