Remarkable photograph of eagle carrying a helpless lamb sparks fear among farmers

September 2024 · 4 minute read

It is a rare and remarkable image: an eagle soaring in the air with a helpless lamb dangling from its talons. Soon though, according to fearful farmers, it could be a common sight.

This amateur photograph, taken on the Isle of Mull, sparked a row over plans to reintroduce wild sea eagles to England's south coast.

Farming groups said the picture proved the giant birds were a threat to livestock, and claimed they could even attack household pets.

“These are dangerous predators,” one said. “They shouldn’t be anywhere near people, or their animals.”

The photograph was taken by Douglas Currie, while on holiday on the Isle of Mull with his wife.

Mr Currie, 74, from Loanhead, MIdlothian, said: “We saw this big shape through the sky and my wife thought it was a fish.

“We then realised it was a lamb and I rattled off a load of shots. The bird was struggling. It’s the most extraordinary sight.”

With a wingspan of up to eight feet and a beak resembling a meat cleaver, sea eagles are sometimes referred to as “flying barn doors”.

They were once widespread throughout the British Isles but had declined by 90 per cent by the time of the Industrial Revolution. The last bird was shot in 1918.

Douglas Currie saw the bird while on holiday on the Isle of Mull with his wife Credit: Douglas Currie/Deadline News

In the 1970s, however, they were reintroduced in Scotland, and have since flourished. There are currently 130 breeding pairs, and the population is predicted to soar to 700 pairs by 2040.

Their revival has come at a cost, however. Crofters have complained at lambs going missing, and of bloodied corpses found miles from home. Others have found animals with their eyes pecked out, and limbs ripped off. According to one report, the sea eagles have even developed a taste for their smaller cousins, golden eagles.

Colin Cameron, 47, who farms 2,500 ewes on the Ardnarmurchan peninsula, told the Press and Journal: “One lamb was killed, but the other has a hole in its side after a sea eagle tried to take it.

“It is still alive as I had to feed it through a tube three times a day. It is on penicillin to stop any infection, so I can’t let it outside, but generally we don’t find any alive.”

Last year, the Scottish authorities finally decided to take action. Laser beams were even shone on Highland hillsides to scare the birds away, but without much success.

Even so, the birds will soon be reintroduced to England, after a group of conservationists secured a five year license. Thirty breeding pairs are planned for the Isle of Wight, with the first birds due for release this summer. Supporters have announced that sea eagles will soon be “soaring over The Needles”.

But the plan has horrified sheep farmers, who claim their livestock will be picked off in their fields.

Phil Stocker, chief executive of the National Sheep Association, said the plan was “madness”.”

“This photograph proves our point,” he told the Telegraph.

“Why would you introduce an apex predator to the Isle of Wight, without any understanding of the consequences?

“It’s all about eco-tourism - attracting more people to the island. But what happens if it all goes wrong? You’ll have these giant predators all over the south of England and it’ll be too late to do anything about it. This is a highly urbanised setting - they simply shouldn’t be here.

“I would think there is also a danger to people’s pets - cats and dogs and so on. It really is ridiculous.”

Sea eagles have not been found to target household pets, although they have been known to take feral cats.

While they become established, the birds will be closely monitored using satellite tracking devices. Viewing areas will be set up for visitors, while breeding is not expected to start until at least 2024.

A spokesman for Natural England, who granted the application, said evidence suggested that sea eagles do not a pose a threat to livestock in “lowland farming areas”.

“We have carefully examined the potential risk of lamb predation,” they added.

“However, we will ensure that the applicant puts in place clear routes to identify and manage any unexpected issues that might arise.”

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