How Much Rain Did San Diego Get From Hurricane Hilary

March 2024 ยท 3 minute read
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The Great Hilarious Downpour: How Much Rain Did San Diego REALLY Get?

San Diego, the land of sunshine and (alleged) perpetually good hair days, got absolutely soaked by Tropical Storm Hilary in August 2023. We're talking about rain so epic, it would make Noah do a double-take on his whole ark-building business. But just how much rain are we talking about? Buckle up, weather warriors, because we're diving into the hilarious downpour that was Hilary.

Did it Rain Cats and Dogs? Almost...

While the rain wasn't quite enough to float your furry friends down the street, it did shatter records. San Diego International Airport recorded a whopping 1.82 inches of rain, making it the wettest day of the year AND the wettest since February 2017. That's a lot of water for a city that usually considers a puddle an exotic sight.

But wait, there's more! Some areas got even crazier. Head inland, and you'll find places like Escondido receiving a record-breaking 2.66 inches, proving that sometimes, the further you are from the beach, the wetter you get (sorry surfers, this time it wasn't about epic waves).

Mountains Turned into Waterfalls (Well, Sort Of)

While San Diego wasn't exactly transformed into a scene from Jurassic Park, the rain did hit the mountains particularly hard. Ranchita, a brave soul of a town, recorded a staggering 7.38 inches of rain. That's enough to fill a kiddie pool...and then some.

Moral of the story? Don't mess with mountains and tropical storms. They will unleash their inner waterfall on you.

So, Was it a Washed-Out Disaster?

Thankfully, no. While the rain was impressive, it wasn't quite apocalyptic. There were some localized flash floods, but overall, San Diego handled Hilary's watery wrath like a champ. Plus, hey, at least the car washes were booming for a bit!

How To FAQs: Mastering the Art of Hilarious Downpours (Not Recommended)

How to Measure Rain Like a Hilarious Downpour Pro?

Grab a bucket, a ruler, and your best rain dancing outfit. Every drop counts (and makes for a great Instagram story)!

How to Avoid Getting Soaked During a Hilarious Downpour?

Um, maybe stay indoors? Unless you have a fabulous waterproof cape and a love for impromptu showers, this might not be the best time to practice your synchronized puddle-jumping routine.

How to Turn a Hilarious Downpour into a Positive Experience?

Break out the board games, make some hot cocoa, and enjoy the cozy vibes! Plus, all that rain is good for the environment (unless it causes mudslides, then maybe not so much).

How to Tell if a Hilarious Downpour is Coming?

Listen to the weather forecast. They usually have the whole "rain is coming" thing down pat.

How to Prepare for a Hilarious Downpour (Just in Case it Actually Gets Hilarious)?

Stock up on popcorn, because watching the weather unfold can be surprisingly entertaining (especially if your neighbor forgets to bring their umbrella in).

