Can a middle name be anything?

May 2024 · 7 minute read
A person may be given a middle name regardless of whether it is necessary to distinguish them from other people with the same given name and surname

name and surname

A family name is a name shared by people in the same family. Different cultures have different customs for a person's family name and given name. In English, the family name is always at the end, and it is called a last name or surname. Children usually have the same family name as their father. › wiki › Family_name


Are there rules for middle names?

There's no rule that says you can only have one middle name. If you've got two mothers-in-law to honor, then go for it. If you want the kids to have different middle names as well as their mother's last name, you can go for that, too. For future forms and databases, it's best to skip hyphens.

How do you come up with a middle name?

Top tips for choosing a meaningful middle name

  • Honour a family member (or two) ...
  • Keep your maiden name alive. ...
  • Give a nod to your heritage. ...
  • Choose a name that is meaningful to you … even if no-one gets it. ...
  • Initials. ...
  • Rhythm. ...
  • Google it. ...
  • Find more on Kidspot:
  • What should your middle name be?

    Your middle name is the name that comes between your first name and your surname. His middle name is Justin. You can use middle name in expressions such as `discretion was her middle name` and `his middle name is loyalty` to indicate that someone always behaves with a great deal of a particular quality.

    Does your middle name matter?

    Middle names are optional.

    That said, it is more common than not to have a middle name. Still, your baby boy or baby girl will have a beautiful name as long as you choose a meaningful first and last name or a name that you love. The middle name is not a requirement.

    Why Do We Have Middle Names?

    What is the purpose of a middle name?

    Today, as Wilson notes, middle names serve much the same purposes they always have: they're a way to keep family names going and thus preserve relationships; they're a way to try something new or “put old names out to grass” without cutting the cord entirely.

    Is middle name important?

    “A middle name is not legally necessary. Most of us probably know someone without one,” said Sherri Suzanne, a baby name consultant who founded My Name for Life. “Parents who struggle to find one name needn't feel pressured to come up with two.”

    Can I give myself a middle name?

    However, you do not need to go through the courts to be able to create a middle name for yourself - you can simply start using the middle name. To make it legal, though, you need to go through the courts.

    Is your middle name your real name?

    In various cultures, a middle name is a portion of a personal name that is written between the person's first given name and their surname. A middle name is often abbreviated and is then called middle initial or just initial.

    Can you go by your middle name?

    It is perfectly legal to use your middle name or even variations of your name, as long as you are not attempting to defraud anyone. However, in some situations, you will be required to use your real name, such as for licensing purposes, or it...

    Does everyone have a middle name?

    Today, some people don't even have middle names, some prefer to be called by their middle name, and some never even use theirs. But just be grateful that we don't trace our lineage back with multiple cognomina like some aristocratic families used to and end up with 38 names.

    Can I have 2 middle names?

    It's never been a common practice in the U.S. to give two middle names. With today's digitized records, it's become a bit of a bureaucratic mess for those who have four (or more) initials to deal with.

    What names are forbidden?

    Banned baby names in the United States, around the world

    Can I name my kid Jesus?

    Some people wonder whether they can name their child a number or a trademark, or emoji. Although there are certain states with no naming laws at all —such as Kentucky— in most states, these names would be prohibited. Here are some examples of illegal names in the United States: Jesus Christ.

    Can you name your kid whatever you want?

    In spite of these famous names, you can't actually name your child anything you want—at least in the United States. Although the right to choose your child's name is protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, most states do have some restrictions in place that might surprise you.

    What is your legal name?

    The name that identifies a person for legal, administrative and other official purposes. A person's first legal name generally is the name of the person that was given for the purpose of registration of the birth and which then appears on a birth certificate, but may change subsequently.

    Do you have to have the same middle name to be a second?

    When it comes to the II suffix, it is traditionally used when naming a child (usually a boy) after a male family member other than the father. If II is to be used, the name must be exactly the same as the name of the person being honored, including spelling and middle name, or the II suffix would be pointless.

    Can you change your middle name?

    You are free to change any part of your name — you can change your first name, your middle names, and your surname. You can add or remove names, and you can change the spelling of names.

    Can you legally have one name?

    There is no law preventing you from being known by a single name, or mononym — that is, a surname only, with no forenames — and HM Passport Office should accept such a name, although they may be more sceptical of your application.

    Can you have two names?

    1 attorney answer

    You have one legal name. You can petition the court to change it. Depending on the circumstances using a different name can render you civilly or criminally liable for all sorts of things...

    Can you change your name to a swear word?

    You cannot change your/one's name for a fraudulent purpose, such as to avoid debts, you cannot change to a name that could affect the rights of another person, such as a celebrity, you cannot use a curse word, racial slur, obscene and/or an offensive word as part of your/one's name and you cannot change to a name that ...

    Does middle name matter on passport?

    The passport is a federally issued identification document so be sure to use your full legal name. Middle names can be tricky when filling out your passport application, but don't let that be the one factor that holds you back. A middle initial is acceptable on your passport instead of providing the full middle name.

    Can you have 3 middle names?

    You can put them wherever you want, but legally-speaking they're only decorative. This means that the government takes no official stance on how many middle names your child may have.

    What happens if you don't have a middle name?

    A middle name doesn't effect a tax return. The IRS only looks at the first 4 letters of the last name. Since you do not have a middle name you would not enter anything.
